17 Ağustos 2020

Nasimi by Sami Yusuf

 17 Ağustos 2020 Ankara

Nasimi by Sami Yusuf

The two worlds are contained in me. But I will not be contained in these worlds.

I am the Treasure of no abode, I will not be contained in Being or in creation

The two worlds are contained in me. But I will not be contained in these worlds

I am the Treasure of no abode, I will not be contained in Being or in creation

I am the arrow, I am the bow

I am the old, I am the young

The two worlds are contained in me. But I will not be contained in these worlds

I am the Treasure of no abode, I will not be contained in Being or in creation

I am the particles, I am the Sun, I am the Four, and I am Five and Six more

See [the universe as] my face and describe it,

As I will not be contained in your description

The two worlds are contained in me. But I will not be contained in these worlds

I am the Treasure of no abode, I will not be contained in Being or in creation

I am burning bush, I am the rock that ascended to Heaven

The two worlds are contained in me. But I will not be contained in these worlds

I am the Treasure of no abode, I will not be contained in Being or in creation

I am the particles, I am the Sun, I am the Four, and I am Five and Six more

See [the universe as] my face and describe it

The two worlds are contained in me. But I will not be contained in these worlds

I am the Treasure of no abode, I will not be contained in Being or in creation

In short, [the carpet of] Divine Command (kun) in the Universe found manifestation in Me

so that you would know Me by these signs, bu beaware!, I can not be contained in signs

I am the arrow, I am the bow, I am the old, I am the young

I am the Eternal Treasure, But I will not be contained in a jeewelry box

Even tough today I may be a Nasimi, a Hashimi, a Qurayshi

I am the arrow, I am the bow, I am the old, I am the young

I am the Eternal Treasure

Even though today I may be a Nasimi, a Hashimi, a Qurayshi

From Me the signs of My power find existence, But I will not be contained in My sign of power

I can not be contained

I am the arrow, I am the bow, I am the old, I am the young

I am the Eternal Treasure, But I will not be contained in a jeewelry box

I can not be contained

Being and the existence are sign of My power, My Eternity is in My Essence

Know Me by these sign, but beaware!, I will not be contained in signs

I can not be contained,

I can not be contained, I can not be contained, I can not be contained,

The two worlds are contained in me. But I will not be contained in these worlds

I am the Treasure of no abode, I will not be contained in Being or in creation

I am the particles, I am the Sun, I am the Four, and I am Five and Six more

See [the universe as] my face and describe it, I will not be contained in your description

The two worlds are contained in me. But I will not be contained in these worlds

I am the Hidden Treasure, Ooo My servant

I am the manifest, I am, My servant

But I can not be contained in the oceans and mines

I am the arrow, I am the bow, I am the old, I am the young

I am the Treasure of no abode, I will not be contained in Being or in creation

Even though today I may be a Nasimi, a Hashimi, a Qurayshi

From Me the signs of My power find existence, But I will not be contained in My sign of power

I can not be contained, I can not be contained, I can not be contained

I am the Shell, I am the Kernel

I am the upholder of the Doomsday and Suspender of the Bridge

So you make a robe out of this cloth for such a day, For I will not be contained in your store

I am the sugar, I am the honey, I am the sun, I am the Moon

I bestow spirit to all things, But I will not be contained in spirit

The two worlds are contained in Me, But I will not be contained in these worlds

I am the Treasure of no abode, I will not be contained in Being or in creation

The two worlds are contained in Me, But I will not be contained in these worlds

I am the Treasure of no abode, I will not be contained in Being or in creation

I will not be contained in these worlds

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BU YUNUS EMRE DENEN ŞAHIS ARTIK ÇOK OLUYOR (Ömer Sami Ayçiçek. Araştırmacı-Yazar) Bu, Yunus Emre denen şahıs artık çok oluyor! Ben bu veli z...